Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pupcake at Play

Pupcake, our family dog, is a great mannered, affectionate dog. She loves to play and is eager to crawl into your lap if you sit on the floor - all to make it easier for you to pet her. (She's such a giver!)

Her second favorite thing to do is to "torment" me, and our children, by grabbing an unsuspecting stuffed animal in her mouth and parading all over the house in a "see what I'm doing?" manner.

The only toy that will keep her from a stuffed animal, and with a 4 year old little girl there are plenty around, is this crazy little dumbbell looking thing. She will play with it for hours. She picks it up, throws it into the air and then pounces on it like she's a cat. The only thing that slows her down is when it rolls under a couch.

It is quite hysterical.

Here is a long version of her playing with it. A short version is on our Facebook page. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Puppies Playing on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon

We had the puppies out in the side yard today, and I think the kids were so worn out from swimming and running, that the puppies finally had a moment to themselves. They decided to do what puppies do - make a game out of anything they find. A ball, some garden plants that need water, a play toy of our dog, Pupcake, most anything will do...

Play, puppies, play!

Now that I have a few extra moments - who needs sleep, anyway - I'll add a few still pictures from our Sunday afternoon.

As always, clicking on a picture will zoom in.

Here comes more cuteness!!

Yellow - Girl wants to "give kisses" to my daughter
Agenda: Swim (check); play with puppies(check)
It's a blurry picture, but Pink - Girl has the cutest ears when she runs
Yellow - Girl
Pink - Girl
They are stalking my son through the grasses
Blue - Boy sneaking up on a bracelet (yes, I picked it up before he could run off with it)
Our family dog, Pupcake, wants to come out and play, too.

"Sister attack!"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Maya's Puppies - 6 Weeks Old

Our 10-year old buyer took "Moxie" (Orange ribbon Girl) home today, so we have 2 girls and 1 boy remaining for you to choose from. These puppies are truly adorable and you need to see them up close and watch them curl up in your lap. I think my children are going to be sadder about these puppies leaving than they have been for awhile. These puppies are cute!

Don't take my word for it - here are some pictures from this perfect Sunday afternoon.

As always, clicking on an image will zoom in.

Enjoy! We look forward to hearing from you.

First some "play" pictures, then the close ups...

Pink Ribbon - Girl strutting through the grass
Yellow - Girl - Running after my son...
Pink Girl and her curled tail - looking for her sister...
Some neighbors dropped by to pet Blue - Boy (front) and Pink Girl
Now, for some close-ups...
Yellow - Girl (A snuggler)
Yellow - Girl

Yellow - Girl
Yellow - Girl
Blue - Boy (Loves to run and play)

Blue - Boy
Blue - Boy (My son wore him out for his photo shoot)
Blue - Boy
Blue - Boy
Pink - Girl (Beautiful face)
Pink - Girl (I love her color)
Pink - Girl
Pink - Girl

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saturday In The Yard - With Puppies

I don't know if that title sounds more like a 1970's song by Chicago, or a painting by Monet, but I do know it was a perfect day! My 3 (and 1/2!) year old wanted to play with the puppies in the yard, so it was time for some puppy-love...

All four of these puppies just love to be around people. While I was laying down on the grass taking pictures, any of the puppies that were not on her lap crawled right over to me and snuggled in close. They are all so affectionate!

They turn 4 weeks old tomorrow (Monday) and they are all doing so well. We have three that are still available, 2 girls (pink ribbon and yellow) and 1 boy (blue - although my son is upset we didn't give him a purple ribbon...).

Give us a call, drop us an email, or join our Facebook group if you want more info. We'd love to meet you, and you would love to have one of these puppies for your own!

As usual, clicking on a picture will zoom in.

Have fun! (Video at the bottom)
My daughter "needed" to hold Pink - Girl. The feeling was mutual.

Blue - Boy saw the fun going on and crawled under her knees to join in.

Yellow - Girl posing for the camera
A good-bye hug before the puppies go to take a nap.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Maya's Puppies - 3 Weeks Old

I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day! If you didn't thank a vet, I encourage you to do so whenever possible. Freedom isn't free!

Here are some pictures of our brown little bundles of cuteness. Their eyes are open, although they are still getting used to them, and they are starting to walk around more and more. As they get used to walking, they are still dragging their bellies on the ground sometimes, but they are cute to watch - and hold!

We will know this week which little puppy our 10-year old friend will be picking for his very own (and we will obviously post it immediately). Here he is in one of his recent visits to check out his future puppy.
Update: Orange is the choice!

More pictures of all the puppies below.

As always, clicking on a picture will zoom in. Enjoy!

We had the puppies out in the grass enjoying the sunshine - and our children...

Blue (Ribbon) - Boy (He's a cuddler!)
Blue (Ribbon) - Boy
Blue (Ribbon) - Boy
Pink - Girl (Deep, rich color)
Pink - Girl
Pink - Girl

Orange - Girl "Moxie" (Very playful) - RESERVED
Orange - Girl "Moxie" - RESERVED
Orange - Girl "Moxie" - RESERVED
Yellow - Girl (Wavy hair)
Yellow - Girl
Yellow - Girl (Her paws and chest are white. Will probably fade/darken, but should have beautiful undertones)
And then here are some playful pictures in the grass. My children were eager to get out of the pool if it meant playing with the puppies!