Thursday, May 31, 2018

A Quick Update (5/31/2018)

One of the families that reserved a boy had a family emergency and have asked to be removed from our reservation list. That means we now have 3 boys available. The puppies turned 3 weeks old today!

We will be setting up appointments to visit the puppies and make selections over the weekend of June 8-10.

More details soon.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Penelope's Puppies - 2 1/2 weeks old (Updated 5/28)

Penelope's puppies are getting big - but not TOO big! They are all between 40 and 50 ounces in weight and all about the same length. The two girls are on the lighter side - both in color and weight. With the boys, Mr. Black is the darkest in color, and Mr. Orange is the lightest in color. None of them stand out as a "chunky monkey," or the obviously heaviest puppy.

Here is mom with her puppies:

Also, for comparison, I placed all of the puppies next to each other. It got a little "squirmy" but my wife thought they looked like little sausages!

L to R: Miss Purple, Mr. Red, Miss White, Mr. Green, Mr. Orange, Mr. Black, and Mr. Blue

L to R: Miss Purple, Mr. Red, Miss White, Mr. Green, Mr. Orange, Mr. Black, and Mr. Blue

L to R: Miss Purple, Mr. Red, Miss White, Mr. Green, Mr. Orange, Mr. Black, and Mr. Blue

L to R: Miss Purple, Mr. Red, Miss White, Mr. Green, Mr. Orange, Mr. Black, and Mr. Blue

Starting off: Mr. Blue

Mr. Orange: His eyes are less open than many of the puppies - mostly because he was trying to nap when I woke him for the photo shoot.

Mr. Red

Mr. Green: (He may have actually snored during the photos! He was tired!)

Mr. Black: He is the darkest color of the puppies and has a wavy coat.

Now for the girls. Miss White:

Last but not least, Miss Purple: Apart from her facial colorings, her toes are white too. She's a cutie!