Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Friends and Family and Dogs (3/31/21)

Tomorrow is April 1st, and I don't want to sound like a fool, so I'm posting this today. Good news and Bad news...     

First of all, the two mom dogs we have been waiting to go into their heat cycle are STILL not there. (Oh. wait. This is the Bad news part!) Nature is taking her sweet time about this. 

Our 364 day-old Bernese Mountain Dog (BMD), Terra, has started her first heat cycle, but we won't be breeding her this time around. 

This is Terra, wearing a purple diaper, and resting with our newest family addition, "Vesper", who is also a BMD, but is only 10 weeks old. More on her to come...

Now the GOOD NEWS! After all these many years, we have semi-officially joined our breeding practices with my sister-in-law Janice's. (You can read all about us here) Janice has a very similar philosophy to breeding as we do - the puppy's health is the most important thing, and nurturing, socializing, and loving care, are the cornerstones of what we all do. 

Anyway, Janice has at least 4 litters (!!!) due for delivery in the month of April! I'll have more details in the near future, but we should have plenty of puppies to play with very soon! (Pat - I'm looking at you! You have been so patient!)

Janice breeds Goldendoodles, mini-Goldendoodles,  AKC Poodles, AKC Bernese Mountain Dogs, and assorted Doodles. We will keep posting Goldendoodle info here, and we will also be using our new site: (yes, instead of ".com" it is ".dog"). We are still building out that site, so bear with us, but starting very soon we will have more puppies available, sooner - all while keeping our very high level of care and service! 

It's a very exciting time for us all. Thank you for joining us on The Farm!!

Friday, March 19, 2021

While We Wait...

We are currently in a holding pattern for puppies. We are waiting for Moms to be ready for pregnancy. 

If you want to catch up on what we're doing now, while we wait, check out  We're still building out that website, but we will have more dogs to show there. We are combining our operations with those of my sister-in-law, Janice, and we will be able to offer more puppies, more frequently. 

Anyone on my Wait/Interest list will still be on the combined list, and you will be first up for new puppies!


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Happy Anniversary To Us! (3/11/21)

 It was 11 years ago, today, that our first litter of Cute Goldendoodles was born! There have been a lot of puppies since then. We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us with their kind words, physical assistance, and of course, those who adopted a "fur ball" for their own.

Thank you!

We plan to continue and maybe diversify as well. Drop me a line if you have an idea of a puppy breed/blend you would like to see.

Maya when we first acquired her. My daughter is now in 8th grade!

Maya loved our kids

Maya on day 1 of her first litter