I love alliteration! I remember being in 7th grade English class and reading a poem where almost every word started with the same letter. (I won't tell you how old I was, but the US President's middle name was "Milhous" - go ahead and Google it if you need to...) The poem fascinated me for some reason...
Anyway, setting my youthful experiences aside, we actually have some news about puppies.
First: My sister-in-law (Janice) has three litters of Goldendoodles expected this month! I truly don't know all of the details yet, but I will let you know as soon as possible. There are a couple of people on my Interest List who want a puppy ASAP - or sooner. If you are one of those people, please let me know and I will forward on to Janice once I know more information. (Info@cutegoldendoodles.com)
Second: Our wonderful Penny has finnnaaaallly come into her heat cycle. We expect to breed her as soon as she is ready. The timeline for that process is as follows:
- Breed twice over 3 or 4 days- probably in the middle of next week (estimate 4/14)
- Ultrasound to confirm pregnancy (23ish days later - estimate 5/7)
- Penny delivers healthy and happy puppies (estimate June 17th)
- Puppies are ready to go to new homes - after 8 weeks of nurturing socializing (estimate August 12)
Obviously, each step (above) depends upon the prior steps working smoothly. Most of the process is out of my hands, so I'll let you know as we proceed, and I'm crossing my fingers for a smooth process for everyone.
Third: If you didn't already know, we have started a "sister site" to talk about other dogs we are breeding and raising. Feel free to check it out: SherwoodFarms.dog
Fourth: There is no 4th item. Thanks for sticking with me!