Monday, January 17, 2011

Here They Are!

The puppies are 2 weeks old now. They look so much alike, we really could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble by just taking one picture and changing the name 10 times.

Nova, the Mom, is doing a great job. The puppies are all growing fast, we were weighing them daily, but we now do it every other day since they are all growing so well. The puppies are all just opening their eyes so some of them still look glassy, but that will clear up in the next couple of days. They are all starting to move around, too. They used to just lie on top of each other, but now they walk/crawl around whenever they aren't sleeping or eating.

The recurring theme in the pictures, below, appears to be how tired the puppies are. They were all walking around when we started, but apparently they are camera shy and want to go to bed - I know how they feel!

There are 11 puppies (6 boys and 5 girls) but I only have 10 pictures... I lost count and we just missed taking one picture. We'll get it next week...

Now, without further ado...

(Click on any picture to zoom in for a "cuteness closeup")

Tan Ribbon- Girl

Black Ribbon - Boy

Black Ribbon - Boy

Green - Boy

Red - Boy

Red - Boy

Orange - Girl

Orange - Girl

Purple - Boy

Gold - Girl

Gold - Girl

Yellow - Girl

Yellow - Girl

Blue - Boy

Brown - Boy

Brown - Boy

Brown - Boy