Monday, March 14, 2011

All Puppies are Gone!

Thank you for your interest. All of the puppies from Nova's litter have been sold and are now in their permanent homes.

The only exception is Red - Boy (a/k/a "Cooper"). We have donated him to a wonderful cause: The Lansing Christian School's Black and Gold Foundation fundraiser auction. If you are still looking for that perfect puppy, here is a great opportunity to support a great organization and have your puppy, too! That auction will be this Friday, March 18th.

Our next expected litters will be this fall - wow, that seems like a long time from now - and the moms should be Maya (F1B puppies) and Annie (F1 puppies). Obviously, that is only our plan; we'll see what actually happens.

We will also update our site whenever one of our Sister's dogs has puppies, so check back later.

Thank you!