With the heat wave in full force, we brought the puppies into our fully air conditioned house. We want to make sure both Toffee and the puppies are as cool as can be. Plus, since I hate the hot weather, it makes it easier for me, too!
Until we move our whelping box indoors, we put them all in a small wading pool. We have about a day or two before they can climb over the side, so we better hurry. Blue - Boy is the most aggressive in wanting to get over the side. He's displaying his "don't fence me in" personality, I guess. I can sympathize with those feelings.
Anyway, here are some random shots of the puppies. I didn't bother to keep track of their colors; I just took pictures of cute puppies!
Do NOT fence me in! |
Mommy, mommy, mommy... |
Not much room, but quite content. |