Monday, October 2, 2017

Another Day the the Spa!

The puppies were all ready for some pampering so off we went to... the kitchen/spa. Yes, with a little work and a whole bunch of towels, we transformed our kitchen into Spa Central. (Since my wife is a Bio-Chemist, everything was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before AND after we "spa'd")

Anyway, the puppies love it! They don't always like the blow-dryer to the face, but they love the pampering. We had some GREAT help from our neighbor friends - always a great day to play with puppies!

We'll start with the three remaining, available, puppies. (Charlie has been adopted!)

"Charlie" - The Darkest One

"Willy" - The Fun Loving Adventurer!

"Mr. Red" - He's a great snuggler!

He was the calmest one in the "bath"

"I want to snuggle with you!"

Tine for some play in the "Drying room"

OK: Back to work!

 "Mr. Blue" (Shhh. Don't tell anyone - he's a surprise gift!)

"Mr. Green" (a/k/a "Frankie")

"Mr. Yellow" a/k/a "Decker"