Tuesday, February 19, 2019

And Then There Were Three...

We are down to just 3 puppies left. The Three Musketeers - or maybe the "Three Puppy-teers"...

The remaining puppies are all boys:

Mr. White: "The Masked Adventurer" - He has white markings prominently displayed on his face, chest, and feet, and he is the first to grab a toy and run off with it. He likes to explore and see what else there is to see. He is also the first to jump up to get me to pet him when I walk by his play area.

Mr. Red: "Rocky" - This sweetheart was born as the smallest of his siblings. He is perfectly normal in everything except his size. He has no "runt" issues - he's just smaller. He makes up for it in personality. He's a fighter ("Rocky" - get it?), but in a good way. When i feed the puppies, he understands how hard it can be for the smallest puppy to get to the food, so he stands inside the food dish and eats in peace. He uses the same attitude to crawl into laps when petting is being given. Kind of, "don't pet my sister, pet me!" He is my daughter's favorite! He has a fun personality.

Mr. Gray: "Duke" - He is the "strong, silent" type. He is noticeable on the fringes of a puppy scrum as he watches what is going on - and then he acts when he decides it is his time. He doesn't bark or yelp very much; he likes to jump in when he's ready. A great snuggler, and a wonderful personality.