Sunday, January 2, 2022

How Bernedoodles See Themselves (1/2/22)

A snippet from :

Hello world! I am "Passion Flower, Snuggler of Humans". There is NOTHING I would rather do than snuggle with a person. If you have a lap, I will love you! 

I'm supposed to say I am an F1 Bernedoodle that will grow to about 75-80 pounds, but don't let that scare you. I will love your lap all the same. 

My siblings and the other dogs I've met are all nice and friendly, but they don't snuggle like I do! I am the QUEEN of SNUGGLING! I don't know how I could ever like a home more than here, but if you like snuggling, I will love you! Come over and let me prove it to you!