Friday, February 25, 2022

The Official Post X-Ray Update - With Pictures (2/25)

 Short Version of the Update:

  • Piper has 9 "buns in the oven"
  • Delivery is expected in about a week or so
  • No idea how many boys/girls there are
  • Puppies all look the proper size
  • She pee'd on the floor at the Vet
    • It happens to the best of us!

For the rest of the story, please read the post below this one - which was posted yesterday.

My kids freak out when I show x-ray pictures, but here it is anyway,

Yes, it is true... if you zoom in on the picture, you can see the little skeletons of the puppies. (yikes!)

This is a very safe part of the process. This allows us to know how many puppies Piper is going to deliver. The entire delivery process can take hours, so you always want to know how many more to expect. 

I have a list of people who have expressed interest in these puppies - I call it my "Interest List" - and I will begin reaching out to those people once the puppies are born, and I know how many boys and girls there are. 

Stay Tuned!