Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Quick Puppy Update (8/16)

This is really an update to say nothing. (sorry)

We do not currently have any puppies "in the pipeline". We expect to have at least one Mom dog come into heat in the next month or so, but we have no "buns in the oven" - so to speak. 

Once we have a Mom in heat, the normal time before puppies are born, is about 10 weeks (2 1/2 months). After puppies are born, they need to grow and mature for about 8 weeks before they are ready for their new homes. 

That means we won't have any puppies ready for final adoption until December, or (more likely) January 2024.

In answer to the most commonly asked "next question", No, I don't know who or what the puppies will be. We have at least a mini-Goldendoodle and a Bernese Mountain dog due to come into heat soon. I'll announce what we are breeding as soon as we accomplish that task.

Stay tuned!
