Tuesday, October 17, 2023

"When Are The Puppies Coming?" (10/17/23)

First of all: This fall I will be consolidating web sites and info  to make it all EVEN MORE user-friendly! Stay tuned for all of our puppy-updates and dog-stuff in one place! YAY!


I feel it was only a week or so ago that I wrote my last update, but apparently my short attention span has tripped me up again...

Here's the current "Puppy Update":

We were hoping to have our mini-goldendoodle mom, Biscuit, pregnant and about to deliver puppies any day now, BUT..., that didn't happen.

Our next potential litter will be with "Bella" who will be a new mom for us. 

Checking for updates on the dog Social Media

Bella is a 20 pound mini-goldendoodle (F1) and she lives in a Guardian Home for us. Her human-mom has 3 kids (also human), and they live in a wonderful neighborhood full of children who dote on Bella to no end.

Before we EVER breed a specific dog, whether it is her first time or her fourth time (our maximum number of litters per mom), we always ask our Reproductive Veterinarian to confirm the dog is healthy and we make sure the Vet agrees that the dog is healthy and would not be harmed by the breeding. We would NEVER breed a dog if our Vet said it would be unhealthy for the mom or future puppies. 

According to our calendar, Bella is due for a heat cycle in the next month or two. If everything is a thumbs-up, we would breed her and have a litter of F1B mini-goldendoodles. 

My crystal ball is out of warranty and is in the shop for repairs, so I can't promise anything at this point, but if all of the "hopefuls" become "yes", then we would probably have puppies born in early 2024.

More updates and pictures when possible!

Also - check out our Bernedoodle puppy updates on our SherwoodFarms.dog site.