Monday, January 15, 2024

Puppy Update (1/15/24)

The last puppy from Terra's litter went home juuust before this current "Arctic Blast". On the same day, we tested Gemma to confirm her pregnancy and to see how many puppies she was expecting. Unfortunately, that number is zero. It turns out that Gemma is NOT pregnant. Wow, that was not a happy day.

Our upcoming plans are as follows:

  1. Breed "Biscuit" for her (probably) final time. (F1B Mini-Goldendoodles) Breeding in February or March.
  2. Breed "Gemma" (at least try to). (Medium Bernedoodles) Breeding in May or June.
  3. Breed "Bella" (A new mom-to-be) (F1B Mini-Goldendoodles) Breeding in May or June. 

For timing purposes, please remember that from the Breeding Date, there is approximately 9 weeks before puppies are born, and then the puppies stay with us for about 8 weeks before they are ready for their new homes. I would love to speed up that process, but I won't do anything that would hurt the Moms or puppies - and Nature makes the rules!

If that timetable doesn't work for you (first of all, I'm sorry!), please feel free to reach out to me and maybe I can help you find a puppy from a different breeder in the state. There are a few I would heartily recommend, so let me know!
