Sunday, February 5, 2017

It's Spa Day!

Today we gave each puppy a bath with Lavender scented shampoo, a towel-dry massage, blow dry, and nail trim. They loved it! These puppies all enjoyed the water, and snuggling, but some of them did not enjoy the blow dry as much as others!

Anyway, they turn 6 weeks old tomorrow (Feb 6), and are just 2 weeks from going home! If you have not yet arranged for a pickup time, please let me know what will work for you. Since their 8-week birthday falls on a Monday, we are scheduling pickups starting at the prior Friday and running through the weekend.

ALSO, Miss Yellow is still a Bridesmaid and looking to be a Bride! We are still looking for a family that will be perfect for her. She needs to be adopted. If you know of anyone, or if you are that "anyone", please get in touch with me so we can get together and talk.

Here are Spa Day pictures, and, since I missed Miss Green last week, she goes first this week! (Right after Miss Yellow)

Miss Yellow - SHE IS STILL AVAILABLE! (But you will need to act fast!)

Miss Green - her new name is:  "Cali"

Miss Orange - Her new family is still looking for the perfect name...

Miss White - "Hailey"
She's not 100% sure of the bath..

Mr. Red - "Cooper"

Ok. so as a little interlude: You can see in some of the pictures above, that our 10 year old son is helping quite a bit with the washing and drying process. Our 8 year old daughter is in the "post spa" department. All this time, she is playing with the newly washed puppies as they continue to dry. I'll post some pictures of the "ordeal" she had to go through later.

As we were washing Miss Purple, two of the newly washed puppies decided to, um, make a mess on the floor in the "post spa" area. Pandemonium ensued. In the ruckus that followed, we lost our "volunteers" and we didn't get as many pictures of Miss Purple as we would have liked. Sorry.

Miss Purple

Mr. Blue - "Tucker"

Miss Black



 And here are some play pictures:

And then we went on "Lock-Down"