Monday, May 21, 2018

Penelope's Puppies 11 Days old (5/21/18)

Penelope's puppies were born on Thursday May 10th. Most of my "free time" is on the weekends, so it is very inconvenient to post pictures at exactly 1 week, or 2 weeks, etc. My need to organize and control are being stressed! (lol)

Anyway, here are some pictures  just took today, Monday May 21. The puppies are 11 days old - or, almost 2 weeks. They are growing big - as they are supposed to. They are all healthy and doing all of the things 2 week old puppies do. They look cute, they eat, they play, and they sleep - and then look cute again.

In the next week or so, their eyes will start to open, and their feet will start to be strong enough to hold up their body's weight, and they will start crawling around. It's a very fun time! My kids look forward to this time because the puppies start to develop a little personality.

Penelope, the Mom, has been wonderful! She is really enjoying the puppies, and she doesn't mind (too much) when I pick up the puppies to change their towels, or just check on them. She is doing great!

Now, I know you're hear for pictures, so just one last one comment. Of the 7 puppies that were born, 3 boys and 1 girl are already reserved. That leaves just 2 boys and 1 girl available. Please contact me quickly if you would like one of these cuties - they will not be available for long!

Puppies will grow to about 45 pounds and are F1b - which means even less chance of any shedding or allergy causing issues. Here is Mom and her pups:

Here they are: (Girls First)

Miss White:

Miss Purple:  She has an adorable white "stripe" down her forehead and most of her paws have white toes. She will be stunning as she gets older,

Mr. Blue:

Mr. Red: He has a cute little patch of white under his chin.

Mr Orange: He also has a little white "beard" and a dot of white on his head. The rest of his fur is quite dark.

Mr. Black: Currently the darkest fur of the litter.

Mr. Green: I'm often asked, "Why is ______ always the last one in your pictures?" I'd love to tell you it was planned. It isn't. I just grab one close to me and snuggle with it and take some pictures. Other than trying to post the girls first - because my Dad would always tell me to put the girls first! - everything else is just random.

I interrupted his feeding, so he has a little "milk mustache"

That's all for this time! I'll post more as I am able, and hope to get the next batch posted over Memorial Weekend! Stay Tuned!