Monday, April 29, 2019

Rainy Days and Mondays - Means Puppies!

Today is a rainy Monday, and my kids are home from school. They had their annual school "Dinner Theater" performance last night and it went so well their teacher gave them today off! It's good to be a kid!

I have sequestered myself in the basement, while my kids do some chores and read some books upstairs. We have some school friends coming over later to give the puppies a spa day, so now I will just try to catch up on posting some pictures I took a few days ago.

The puppies are all growing as expected. They are transitioning from wet food to just a moist kibble - and they are eating like crazy! This is a normal process. The puppies started the weaning process with dry food blended with water into a slushy mess. From there they moved to a wet kibble (dry food soaked for hours in water), and now to the dry kibble with water poured over it at serving. Next week they will be on straight dry kibble. Their teeth and tummies are doing great and they are now staying cleaner during eating. They no longer stand in the food dish to eat - well, some of them do, but the food isn't gooey, and doesn't stick to their coats like it did!!

My kids, and the neighbor kids, and everyone else who comes by, love to play with the puppies. They are getting a lot of socialization and learning new smells and new experiences. The lawn mower scared them briefly, but they adjusted quickly. The puppies were in a nearby fenced area and the noise surprised them - but that was intentional. They don't have to like things like mowers and vacuums, but they will get used to hearing them.

OK. Enough from me - let's go to the puppies!!

As of today, Monday the 269th, The remaining puppies for adoption are:

Mr. Orange

Miss Dark Blue
Miss Green
Miss White

I will be advertising them this week so they will go quickly - trust me. If you are interested in one of these puppies, let me know ASAP. We have 7 already reserved and we haven't even advertised them to anyone except through our Facebook group and this website.

Mr. Orange: He is cute and cuddly, and is my daughter's favorite un-adopted puppy.

Miss Dark Blue: She is our communicator. She lets us know when she wants something. If she is making noise, she either wants to eat, go to the bathroom, or... just be snuggled more.

Miss White: She has a nice wavy coat, and she likes to sleep on my daughter's lap.

Miss Green: Ooops! Pictures coming soon. It looks like I missed her in our outside shots. Hang in there!

Now for some pictures of the already adopted puppies.

Mr. Red: "Oberon Strawberry" RESERVED

Miss Brown: "Pyper" RESERVED 


Mr. Purple: RESERVED

Miss Yellow: RESERVED

Wow. I am missing pictures of Miss Gray, and Miss Light Blue!! I'm sorry. I'll get some taken today and get them up as soon as possible! YIKES! Apparently, counting to 11 is not one of my strengths...

Here are some cute pictures of the puppies in the tall grass.