Monday, May 6, 2019

Sunshine, Green Grass, and Incredible Cuteness!

I took advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend to take some pictures of the puppies. They are all doing great and growing and maturing as expected.

First a Recap for New People: Penny, the Mom, is a 22-pound Moyen/Klein standard poodle.  She is small in size and weight, but she does have longer legs than a Miniature Poodle. The Daddy dog is Billy who is about 32 pounds and is an F1 Mini-Goldendoodle. Their puppies are F1b mini Goldendoodles. This year (2019) is their second litter. The feedback we have received from last year's litter is that they are mostly between 25-30 pounds in size. We tell people they will grow to 25-35 pounds to be safe. We have more pictures of Penny and Billy on our “Mommy Dogs” and “Daddy Dogs” pages.

Penny’s litter had a total of 11 puppies - 7 girls and 4 boys. As of today Monday, May 6th, we have 7 adopted. For your viewing experience, the boys have collar colors Red, Black, Orange, and Purple. The girls are: Brown, Light Blue, Dark Blue, White, Gray, Yellow, and Green.

The four available puppies are: Mr. Orange, Miss Dark Blue, Miss White, and Miss Green.
Let’s start with the available puppies. 

The only puppy remaining and available for adoption is Miss Dark Blue. 

Miss Dark Blue is the “Social Butterfly” in this group. She loves to be held, and she tells you when she wants to be picked up. A little whimper/whine says, “Hi! Please pick me up and snuggle with me!” When she feels she is done being pampered, a similar sound lets you know she is “ready to be put back down” so she can run around. 

She has an adorable face and a nice, dark, wavy coat. She will love you as much as you will love her!

"Thanks for holding me!"

Mr. Orange RESERVED "Apollo". He is absolutely adorable and loves to play with his brothers and sisters. He also loves to “give kisses” – as you can see in the pictures below. I couldn’t get him to stop!

Sticking his tongue out at "the haters"

Miss Green RESERVED: is the “Free Spirit” of the group. She is always one of the first to jump on a toy and shake it and play with it. She is also one of the first to decide she would rather take a nap on the side of the action – or just watch the others play. She is totally unconcerned with what the other puppies are doing. She’s also the one puppy who seems to be able to change her mind in the middle of a full run - and then try to turn on a dime. That means she often rolls around and around while she tries to scamper back to her feet. Puppies just don’t understand momentum and physics at this age…

Miss White: She has one of the curliest coats of the litter. She has a gorgeous face and a little puff of white on her chest. She is calm and inquisitive, and maybe a bit more “chill” (as my kids would probably say). 

And now the puppies that have been adopted:

Mr. Purple: ADOPTED

Mr. Red: ADOPTED "Oberon"

Looking a little "hillbilly" with a blade of grass in her mouth

Mr. Black: ADOPTED "Captain"

Miss Light Blue: ADOPTED


"I love this weather!"

"Please put me down now, so I can run and play"

Miss Brown: ADOPTED "Pyper"


Miss Yellow: RESERVED