To celebrate the end of the first week of school, we had a bunch of school friends over for a "Puppy Spa Day". We had 9 teens playing with the puppies, helping to bathe them, dry them, ...and basically wear them out.
We had a lot of fun, and the puppies got to play with many new people and they all had a great time!
Miss Green on the left and Mr. Blue on the right. |
Miss Red: (Available): Miss Red loves to play. She loves to jump on her siblings when they aren't looking, but she'll do it when they are looking too! She is the smallest puppy in the litter - but not by much. She is active and she also loves to be held. She likes it when I hold her as I'm doing things - like feeding her siblings, or even just getting some lemonade from the fridge. She took to the water very quickly. She had no problem with water over her head. She's a cutie!!
A bit blurry, but you get the picture. |
Miss Green (Adopted): Miss Green is definitely the most "chill" in the litter. She doesn't care what is going on; she just does what she wants. Sometimes that means she's right in the sibling fray, and other times that means she's watching from the sidelines.
Mr. Blue (Adopted) "Marvin": As the only boy in the litter, it's natural for people to look for signs of him being more aggressive, or domineering. He's not! If you didn't know he was the boy you wouldn't see any differences. He's a lover and a player.
Miss Black (Available): As soon as Miss Black sees a toy
added to their area, she is the first to run for it. She loves our
fleece toys and loves to play tug with her siblings. She has the darkest
coat in the litter and she loves to snuggle with people.
Miss Purple (Available): Miss Purple did not like the water. She wanted to crawl out whenever she had a chance! I think she was mostly interested in getting back to play with her sisters. She LOVES to play with the puppies. She continues to be the crowd favorite. People always gravitate to her first. She is adorable.
Some random shots from the Spa Day: