Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Some Outdoor Fun - Penny's 5 1/2 Week Old Puppies

We had a short break in our Winter weather, and Spring had a 15 minute appearance. So... time to Get Out and Play!!

We are going to have a Puppy Spa Day this Saturday, so we'll have more pictures then. Here are a few that I was able to take while the snow held off! : -)

Sorry if the pictures aren't the best - I was running solo. A lot to balance... (cue the martyr music!)

Mr. Dark Blue - and some goofy guy taking a selfie!

Mr. Yellow: 

Mr. Orange: 

Miss Purple: 

 Mr. Tan (Beige):

 Mr. Light Blue:

 Miss White:

Kids (ours and Neighbor's) loving on some puppies!!