Sunday, April 22, 2018

Spa Day! - 6 Week Fun in the Sun!

This will be a LOOOOONG post - bear with me!

My daughter invited a couple of her friends over so we could all give the puppies a wonderful Spa Experience on this beautiful Spring day! The puppies were picked at random - or as randomly as 9 year old girls can be, so I'm sorry of yours is not the first one.

On of her friend's family has a wonderful dog of ours from years back, and the other one is adopting Mr. Light Blue from this litter!

The spa process is as follows:

  • Nail Trim
  • 6-Week Vaccine
  • DeWorming
  • Wash
  • Rinse
  • Dry
  • Play
  • Be EVEN more cute

Here they are out in the sun before the Spa starts:

Pre-Spa Puppy Pile

Even Penny (mom) and Pupcake (our family dog) helped out - well, they wanted too!

An arm-full of cuteness!

First Up - Mr. Light Blue


Next "customers" awaiting their services

They each got a "poke" today too!

Soap down

Rinse him clean 

Towel Dry and "cuddle massage"
Miss Purple is next! 


Vaccine and deworming station

They LOVE baths!

Some gentle blow drying

Mr. Beige (a/k/a Mr. Tan)

Ready for meds - not a single whimper from anyone - except our girls who didn't like to watch the vaccines

Mr. Beige loved the bath so much, he laid down in it!!

Blow Dry

And, the girls are making sure to play with the puppies after their Spa Experiences!

Mr. Dark Blue


De-Worming - it smells like a caramel latte! (no, I don't plan to see if it tastes like one). The Puppies love it!

Hop In!

He loved the blow dryer!

Mr. Yellow!

He wasn't so sure about the blow dryer, but loved the experience!

More Playing

Miss White:

This is fun!

Definitely NOT a fan of the blow dryer!

Last - but certainly NOT least - Mr. Orange:

Chillin' with some belly rubs while he waits his turn


Scrubbing his whiskers!

Then - The after shots!

Mr. Light Blue

Mr. Tan 

 Mr. Yellow!

 Mr. Orange

Miss White 

Mr. Dark Blue 

 Miss Purple