Tuesday, March 31, 2020

They Do More Than Sleep! 3/31

Yes, it's true! These puppies are adorable AND they move! Yes, after weeks of cute sleeping pictures, we can finally see them move. Their legs are just gaining strength, and they are clumsy and funny, but it's hard to only watch this video once.

As a reminder, the puppies are color coded:
BOYS: Black, Orange, Yellow
GIRLS: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Gray

Availability Update 3/31 (Tuesday)

Wow! There are a lot of people who have suddenly agreed that this is a great time to adopt a puppy. My phone and email were full yesterday with people asking questions and reserving puppies.

There are still a couple of people who are making final decisions, but as of now, all I can safely offer is 2 boys. I may have 3 boys, and maaaaybe a girl, but it's not looking good.

Obviously, I'll still be posting pictures and updates, but most of my time today will be in sorting out the chaos of yesterday. Thank you to all who asked questions - even if you did not reserve one of our puppies. I truly like answering questions and if I can help you decide what would best suit you and your family - even if that is a puppy I can't/don't offer - that is fine with me! I love seeing loving families with lovable dogs!

A question people often ask is: "Why are these particular puppies left?" It is a fair question, and it is asked whether the last couple of puppies are girls, or boys, or big, or small. We've never had a puppy that was unloved or unwanted. Often, when people select a puppy, the one they choose is the first one that runs over and plays with them.  The puppy they came to adopt, based upon the pictures and videos they saw online, was tired and sleepy, while "this one over here" is outgoing and fun-loving.

Some breeders will ONLY select for their customers and will not let families see the other puppies. These breeders mean well, but that's not my style. I like a puppy to interact with a family and see the family fall in love with a puppy. I have steered families away from "rowdy" puppies - grandparents don't need overly energetic puppies - and families with typical middle school children don't want a puppy that just wants to sleep and be cuddled.

The bottom lne is, some people grew up with girl dogs, and so that is what they want. People who grew up with boy dogs lean in that direction. People who never had dogs, or genuinely do not care, tend to select girls. That is just my anecdotally observed experience.

This all means, the "remaining" puppies are only different because they haven't been selected yet. It isn't a similar matter as me, as a kid, always being the last one chosen for teams. (I wasn't athletic!) Our puppies are all so similar, I truly believe it is hard to choose poorly.

I'll update more pictures and details soon!

Mr. Black and Miss Red
It wouldn't be polite to tell her she has a goatee.

Monday, March 30, 2020

What Will You Do??

In light of the unusual circumstances we are all dealing with in life, I have been asked a number of great questions about how our "process" for adoption will go. I'm glad people are asking!

Typically, around 5 weeks of puppy age, I schedule people/families to come out and see the puppies. I schedule approximately an hour for each family - in the order of deposit - to get to know the puppies, and make their selection.

Once "Family #1" makes their selection, they are committed to that puppy, and I am committed to not offer that puppy to anyone else. Then, "Family #2" comes and makes their selection from the remaining puppies available, etc.

This year, it looks as though we won't be able to schedule those one-on-one times. I'm reasonably sure the Governor would not consider puppy adoption to be "critical" - although most of us with dogs would consider it "essential"!

I am still working through the needs and opportunities of this current scenario. I don't have the final answer yet. As I've heard said on the news, "the situation is fluid!"

My current idea/plan is to video "in depth" interviews with each puppy, once they are old enough to romp around outside. I'll show some play time, and have my trained assistant - my 11 year old daughter - give some of the puppy-specific details. I'm hoping this will work. Once I finalize my plan, I will communicate directly to each person/family on the adoption list, as well as posting the news online (here and on Facebook).

This will potentially lead to a less optimal interaction, so I will happily refund anyone's deposit if they are unhappy with the options available, or with the puppies they are presented. I would not want to be in this puppy business if I felt people were forced into adopting a puppy they didn't TOTALLY want!

OK. So that's my update right now. More as I know it - and more pictures coming later today!!


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Two (2) Weeks Old! (3-26-20)

OK. So technically, they were two weeks old yesterday, but I got busy, and...

Penny delivered 9 healthy puppies on the 11th. There are 6 girls and 3 boys. As of today, we have reservations for 4 of the girls. That means we have 2 girls and 3 boys available.

The puppies will be 8 weeks old, and ready to go to their new homes, approximately May 2nd. I like to have the puppies go home on weekends, since that is the best time for the whole family to play and interact - (even if the "family" is one person and their friends). Since that will only be 7 1/2 weeks, I will monitor the puppies maturity and decide whether they would be better off waiting a week longer. I'll consult with our Vet, and make the best decision possible. I will update here when it's official.

PUPPY SPECS: For those of you just stumbling upon this site, I encourage you to look around at other posts below, and on the pages for the Mommy Dogs and our Daddy Dogs. The mom of this litter is Penny, who lives in our home and is sure she is in charge! She is a 25 pound Moyen/Klein poodle bred from pure AKC lines in California. The Dad, Billy, is a CKC registered F1 mini-goldendoodle whom we use for Penny's litters. This is their 3rd litter together.

The puppies will grow to about 25-30 pounds and will be F1b mini-goldendoodles (see our "Sizing and Generations" page) which means they will be, roughly, 3 parts poodle and 1 part golden retriever. These puppies will love to run and play - and they will also love to curl up on your lap while you watch TV. They are the epitome of "not too small, and not too big" - just right.

I feel like I'm rambling on, so it must be time for pictures!

The puppies are color coded:
BOYS: Black, Orange, Yellow
GIRLS: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Gray

Monday, March 23, 2020

Some Ideas I’ve Been Thinking About (3/23/20)

It is easy to see all the confusion and concern going on right now. I believe it is also easy to ask: “Why would I want to add a new puppy to our family with all of the confusion going on?” I think that is an easy question – and a fair one.

There is plenty of evidence to show puppies/dogs bring happiness and joy to people. If it wasn’t true, there wouldn’t be “therapy dogs” taken to Senior Centers; Libraries wouldn’t invite children to practice their reading in front of a lovable dog; Veterans organizations wouldn’t provide dogs to returning Veterans anxious from their past experiences.

There is no doubt that people love dogs and dogs love people. Goldendoodles are so very people-focused, they just love to love people – and be loved by them. That brings us back to “these times.”

We are filled with daily examples of despair and lack of hope. What better way to have hope than anticipating having a new puppy, as you watch pictures and movies of the puppy maturing and growing?

On top of that, with everyone working from home, or at least all of the children home from school, now is the best time to train a new puppy in your household routines – and how to “hold it” and “go outside”!

Whether you agree with my logic, or not, you can still choose to watch our puppies grow and mature as I post pictures and videos here, and on our Facebook group.

If you have any questions – or just want to let me know our puppies make you smile – feel free to drop me a quick email: info@CuteGoldendoodles.com or a call/text at 517_256_5668

Thanks for being here! (Now for some pictures!!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

More Pictures (3/17)

The puppies don't do very much right now: eat, sleep, eat, sleep, crawl around, and look adorable. They are only 5 days old, so I don't expect much...

We have started "Snuggle Time". Starting on day 4, we start holding the puppies in our hands for short periods. This makes them more familiar with the smells and feels of people. We obviously only use our immediate family - which usually means my daughter, or me - so we control any health concerns there might be. It also keeps Penny happiest if fewer people go near her puppies - she's a good mommy!

I'm just going to post a few pictures to let you see some cuteness, and I'll update as often as I can.

They sleep in any position they are in at the moment they get too tired

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Updates and Pictures (3/14/20)

A lot has happened in the last couple of days. Penny and her puppies are oblivious to the sudden need for toilet paper, and how to schedule kids' weekdays. All the puppies know, is to eat and sleep - and get cuter by the day!!

We have a total of 9 puppies. Three are boys and six are girls.(My daughter is happier than my son. They ALWAYS compete on such things.) We use colored collars to identify the puppies. In all pictures going forward, the boys will have Orange, Black, and Yellow collars, and the girls will have the others.

As an aside, I am frequently asked how we "select" the colors. Except for my daughter insisting that purple is always a girl, I simply pick up the nearest puppy, and put the next collar on them. There is no secret code. Sorry.

Using these colors, we monitor the daily weight gains of each puppy. I use a spreadsheet to track the weights, because I am a geek. Unlike many litters, these puppies are all very close in weight. They all weighed between 8.5 ounces and 9.5 ounces. (That's roughly equivalent to 5-7 typical dinner spoons)

We currently have 3 reservations with deposits. I'll have more updates as the days go by, but let's see those puppies!!

BOYS: Black, Orange, Yellow
GIRLS: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Gray

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Penny's Puppies Are Here!!

First of all, Penny's puppies are all healthy and happy! However, there are only 9 of them - not 10 as expected. Why? Well, it appears the Vet's initial determination of the x-ray was flawed - or "less correct" than needed. He told me a week ago, "Well, I'm sure there are 9, and I think this, over here, is number 10."

Nine healthy puppies is perfect! And, they are adorable! I'll post the gender count later, but for now, here are some pictures to "Awww!" at.

They are small!

Just about an hour old.

Penny's nose on the left. Nuzzling each puppy.

A little white "racing" stripe

It was a long day for Penny.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

It's Official! Penny is Expecting 10 Puppies!!

Yes, 10 puppies! She's an amazing Mommy and "hanging in there," but it has clearly put a limit on her activity.

Puppies are due in about a week; I'll update once they are born! Let me know if you would like info on how you can adopt one. The first 2 are already spoken for - but that still leaves 8!!!

You can get a sense of her primary desire, to sleep and be pet, from these pictures: