Monday, March 30, 2020

What Will You Do??

In light of the unusual circumstances we are all dealing with in life, I have been asked a number of great questions about how our "process" for adoption will go. I'm glad people are asking!

Typically, around 5 weeks of puppy age, I schedule people/families to come out and see the puppies. I schedule approximately an hour for each family - in the order of deposit - to get to know the puppies, and make their selection.

Once "Family #1" makes their selection, they are committed to that puppy, and I am committed to not offer that puppy to anyone else. Then, "Family #2" comes and makes their selection from the remaining puppies available, etc.

This year, it looks as though we won't be able to schedule those one-on-one times. I'm reasonably sure the Governor would not consider puppy adoption to be "critical" - although most of us with dogs would consider it "essential"!

I am still working through the needs and opportunities of this current scenario. I don't have the final answer yet. As I've heard said on the news, "the situation is fluid!"

My current idea/plan is to video "in depth" interviews with each puppy, once they are old enough to romp around outside. I'll show some play time, and have my trained assistant - my 11 year old daughter - give some of the puppy-specific details. I'm hoping this will work. Once I finalize my plan, I will communicate directly to each person/family on the adoption list, as well as posting the news online (here and on Facebook).

This will potentially lead to a less optimal interaction, so I will happily refund anyone's deposit if they are unhappy with the options available, or with the puppies they are presented. I would not want to be in this puppy business if I felt people were forced into adopting a puppy they didn't TOTALLY want!

OK. So that's my update right now. More as I know it - and more pictures coming later today!!
