Saturday, June 27, 2020

Finally, Some Puppy Pictures!

It has been quite a while since I last posted. Sorry! Life has been busy, and next thing I know, it's almost July! Crazy.

The puppies are growing normally, and they are adorable!

They will turn 3 weeks old in a couple of days and they are now opening their eyes and starting to "walk" on their legs. ("Wobble" is probably a better word than "walk")

The puppies are very active - except when they sleep, which is almost always. So, on one of my daughter's "snuggle time" with the puppies, I tried to take some pictures withe their eyes open. Unfortunately, only the boys behaved. (If you want blurry, unfocused, and unrecognizable pictures, let me know. I have tons of them!)

So, here are the boys - Mr. Blue and Mr. Green. I promise to get the girls soon!!

Mr. Blue:

That's Miss Orange in the background...

Look! It's Miss Red and Miss Purple!

Mr. Green: