Thursday, November 5, 2020

Puppy Update (11/5/2020)

Caveat/Background: These puppies belong to my sister-in-law, Janice. (Forgive me if I call her Sister - it's easier to type) She recently moved to the Petoskey area of Michigan and, because that can be quite a stressful event, I offered to assist her in finding great homes for these puppies. 

Over the past year, or so, I have accumulated a long list of people who would like to adopt a puppy but are still waiting for the right opportunity. In order to help these people as quickly as possible, I have been contacting them to offer my sister's puppies to them. I'm no hero; I just really love getting great puppies to great families!

The doggie mom, Lucy, is a 19 pound F1 mini-goldendoodle who is so gentle and sweet. The doggie dad, Harley, is a 16 pound AKC miniature poodle who is quite calm and friendly. These puppies will grow to about 20 pounds in size and will be what is called, "F1B" mini-goldendoodles. 

My sister is offering them for $2,500 each (including a $250 deposit) and they will be ready to go to their new homes on December 12th. 

I am not involved in the transactions, or the puppy rearing/raising. I'm only "connecting the dots" as my Father says. I'm happy to answer questions, if possible, but after the dots are connected, my sister will be taking over.

As of today, 2 girls and the only boy, have been reserved. There are, currently 2 girls remaining.

Now for the fun part - PICTURES!!

The puppies are just over 2 weeks old, which means their eyes are just starting to open and their legs are just starting to support them.

Until the final selections are determined - usually around 5 weeks of age - I won't know which particular girls are reserved.

I apologize for the seemingly random order of the pictures (below). They were sent to me over the course of hours last night.

Mr. Yellow

Mr. Yellow

Miss Purple

Miss Green

Miss Red

Miss Purple

Miss Blue

Miss Blue

Miss Blue

Miss Blue

Miss Blue

Miss Green

Miss Green

Miss Green

Mr. Yellow - up close

Mr. Yellow

Mr. Yellow

Miss Purple

3 Sisters

Lucy with a couple of puppies

Miss Green

Miss Green

Miss Purple

OK. I've decided I want them all....