Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Puppies! Puppies! The Puppies Are Here! (7/12)

Our wonderful and amazing "Penny" gave birth to 7 adorable pups yesterday (July 7, 2022). Most of the backstory can be learned by reading the last post (click here), but here are the basics:

Penny (mom) is a 25 pound Moyen/Klein poodle. ("Moyen" (French) and "Klein" (German) are terms for a pure bred poodle in a distinct class between "Miniature" and "Standard". This classification is not recognized by the AKC, but it is a commonly recognized class within Europe.)

This is Penny's 5th, and final, litter, but we had to use a new dad this time, so we do NOT have pictures of past puppies. (Sorry!) Based upon all of Penny's litters, these will be beautiful puppies with curly hair and patches of white color. They should grow to about 25-35 pounds and will F1B mini-goldendoodles. 

I'll have more pictures soon, and more updates too! Feel free to contact me at any time, and ask any questions you may have. I'm always happy to answer questions - even if it means you find your fur-baby elsewhere. 

Contact Info (Click Here)

My hand shows how small these puppies are.

Pink noses and sibling snuggles

Food coma! This little guy ate all he could, and then just rolled over and slept

Penny - keeping a VERY close eye on me, and her puppies, as I weigh them.