Saturday, April 4, 2020

Reservation and Wait List Update (Saturday 4/4)

The cuteness is in the next post down. This is just detail-type stuff.

As of today, April 4, we have stopped accepting names for our puppies. Due to the issues going on, we took a few more names than the number of puppies we have, but I know there is a chance someone will not be able/willing to adopt a puppy when their option is available - and that is OK.

I don't expect 4 or 5 people to not complete adoptions, but I also never expected any of this quarantine stuff...

Here is our current Reservation list, and preferred puppy gender

Reservation List
1: Jim C      - Girl
2: Leanne S - Girl
3: Erin F.     - Girl/Boy
4: Mike T    - Girl
5: Kasey E   - Girl
6: Scott G    - Girl
7: Amber F  - Boy/Girl
8: Suzanne P - Boy
9: A.C.         - Boy/Girl