Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Puppies Are Now Five Weeks Old!!! (4/15)

OK. First of all, what's up with this snow? I really wanted to get the puppies outside to romp around in the tall grass and get some cute videos. Nope!

The puppies are acting just like my kids - they need to get out and run!! As I look at the upcoming weather, it looks like this weekend will be a decent chance to get out and do some serious running. Stay tuned.

I do have some pictures I took today as my daughter and I were cleaning their bedding, but it's just not the same. Before the pictures, here are a few updates:
  • I have the Vet check-up scheduled for 10:30 on Friday May 1st. That is the final step in making sure they are all ready to go to their new homes. Assuming there are no problems, and I certainly don't have any concerns, the puppies will be ready for pick up starting that Friday afternoon. I'll be contacting people on our Reservation list (from the top down) to set up appointments. If you are on the list, I'll be in touch over the next handful of days to try to schedule a pickup. 
  • Scheduling the Vet day made me realize I can't count. That first weekend in May will be the puppies' 7 1/2 week birthday, not their 8th week. It truly won't matter for the maturity of the pups, and they will still be fully vaccinated and de-wormed and micro-chipped, but I honestly though it would be week 8. I'm better at raising puppies than I am at counting to 8!
  • With this weekend's break in the winter weather, I am hoping to give a good "expose" of each puppy and some details about their observed behavior. I'm hoping this will help you narrow down the decisions in your mind so you will have less frustration come pick-up day. I've helped families make these tough decisions for years, and I know it's not easy. I'll do my best to help since the Governor won't be letting us meet before the end of the month. 
  • When I am able to post the videos and the info on each puppy, my recommendation is to consider which puppies won't be the best match for you or your family's needs. It's kind of like voting people off the island, but, for example, if you REALLY want curly hair on your puppy, there will probably be 1 or 2 with hair that will be straighter, and eliminating them from consideration will be helpful to you.
  • Following the wise precautions of staying home and staying safe - and assuming the weather will cooperate on the first weekend in May - we will do all of the pick up process outside. That will give everyone room to maneuver and be safest.
  • I'm sure I'll have more updates as we get even closer.
OK. On to the pictures:

We send each puppy home with a handmade fleece toy. It is a soft, chew-able, machine-washable toy that is made by a school friend of my children. You'll see a green one and a red one in these pictures. The puppies love them and usually start tug-of-war with them.

A bunch of puppies fighting over the green toy
Miss Red chewing the far end of the red toy, and Miss White (I think) chewing the near end.

Miss Purple, waiting for my daughter to pick her up

Miss Blue standing calmly in the midst of turmoil

Mr. Black wondering why I'm not picking him up to snuggle!
One of the training things we do is to hold each puppy safely and securely in our arms while they are on their backs. It is such an unnatural position for them, learning not to be afraid helps them improve their submission to humans as they learn to trust people more and more.
Miss Red taking a break from being the center of attention