Tuesday, April 26, 2022

I Thought You Were Going To Post Some Pictures!? (4/26)

This is my normal routine as I fulfill my promises to post more pictures:

  1. Wait for a nice warm, sunny day...
  2. Wait some more...
  3. Remember I live in Michigan...
  4. Consider taking pictures inside...
  5. Learn that the weekend might be nice...
  6. Discover the sun...
  7. Put puppies outside on grass in the sun...
  8. Take a hundred, or more, pictures and videos...
  9. Play with puppies...
  10. Take another hundred pictures...
  11. Put puppies in playpen to play...
  12. Puppies immediately nap...
  13. I nap...
  14. Wait a day or two, as other "issues" come up...
  15. Filter out bad pictures...
  16. Agonize over the definition of "bad picture"...
  17. Worry about what people will think if their puppy only has 1 or 2 pictures...
  18. Decide to make a cute video...
  19. Try to make the video 🔥🔥🔥
  20. Realize I have limited skillzz
  21. Throw everything together...
  22. Know I could do better...
  23. Post it anyway...
  24. Start all over again because it took so long to post these...
  25. Start scheduling pick up times!!

Let's just say I have my fair share of frustrations and anxieties... 

Below is a very long video compilation of the puppies. The puppies are all cute and playful and fun. The quality of the pictures, or video, have no bearing on the personality of your puppy! (Trust me. I'm the one with the issues, NOT the puppies!)

The puppies all weigh between 3-5 pounds right now. They might look bigger in the pictures, but they each still fit in one hand. 

They are playing together nicely, and they are handling the food transition perfectly. We are now at the stage where I put the food in a bowl and pour some water over the top of the food. Some of the puppies have fewer teeth bursting through (This is normal!) so the wet food will soften up shortly and ensure everyone gets the right food. Next week it will be all dry food.

 OK. Enough talking, start the movie!
