Thursday, April 28, 2022

Runnin' With the Pups (4/28)

Here we are, with just 8 days to go before these beautiful, playful, bundles of cuteness start going to their new homes. We went out for our afternoon run yesterday, and since it was nice and sunny, I turned my video on. I used a "seflie" stick - which is more like a "puppy" stick - so I could get the camera down to eye level for the pups. 

A couple of things I learned:

  • These puppies love to "boop" the camera with their noses.
  • The puppies like to swarm around my feet. 
    • Maybe they're trying to trip me so they can attack me with cuteness. 
    • Maybe They just want to give me kisses.
  • If I walk slowly, I won't trip over any of the puppies swarming around me.
  • An out-of-shape grown, adult man can, apparently, pick up ballet moves very quickly when the need to "tippy-toe" kicks in.
  • Just like kids, some puppies like to stay close by, and some like to explore.
  • The puppies are a little too small to play with soccer balls. 
  • EVERYTHING must be smelled.
  • Tails don't stop wagging - ever!

On to the fun...

I apologize if a special puppy didn't get a lot of screen time. I edited this video down from some very long videos, and this was the best result.


And a few "still" shots: